What is the best lawyer in Rome? And of Palermo? And of Milan?

Unfortunately there is no answer to these questions precisely because there is no “best” lawyer in absolute terms. You will therefore have to work to find the lawyer that is right for you. Choosing a good lawyer is of fundamental importance in order to better protect his interests. Here are a series of tips that will allow you to choose the professional that best suits your needs.

Do a search on the internet

First of all, it is a good idea to search the internet and write down the names of lawyers operating in a specific geographical area. If the law firm has a website you can visit it and find all the necessary information (eg curriculum, areas of activity, skills, telephone numbers, etc.)

Word of mouth

Word of mouth, in spite of all those who consider it obsolete and outmoded, is still alive and well. So do not hesitate to contact your friends and relatives for further valuable information.


The greatest fear of all those who are looking for a lawyer is to get into the hands of an inexperienced person. To avert this danger it is a good idea to ask the lawyer if he has ever dealt with such a question in the past. Usually a lawyer who has been practicing for many years is considered more experienced and competent; however, age is not the only factor to be taken into consideration. A good lawyer can be defined as such only if he has the desire and the ability to adapt to change through continuous updating.

Trust relationship

It is of fundamental importance that a relationship of mutual respect and trust is established between the client and the lawyer. The client must choose a lawyer with whom he is able to dialogue calmly and trust. We must be wary of lawyers who accept the task without delay and without providing the client with clear and precise information on what to do. Transparency should not be considered an optional , but an essential element that allows cementing the relationship of trust between client and lawyer.

How much is a good lawyer?

To find a good lawyer it is not necessary to go to the most expensive in Italy. In fact, as you can easily imagine, in the most expensive things there is a risk of paying the name. But it is also true that it will be highly unlikely that a low-cost lawyer can offer a quality service. As always in the medium stat virtus .

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